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IVIX: The Indeo® Video Interactive Director* Xtra

Thank you for your interest in the Indeo video interactive Xtra (IVIX) for Macromedia Multimedia. The IVIX software is still being developed, but we hope to have it available on this web site in the very near future. For updates on IVIX and other Indeo video technologies, please visit us again at this site, or in the Indeo video news group at:

IVIX is a plug-in for Macromedia Director*, Shockwave*, and Authorware* which enables the special multimedia features of Indeo video interactive (IVI). Through dialogs or Lingo* scripts users can dynamically control the playback characteristics of IVI using techniques such as transparency (video sprites), clipping, and zooming. Users can modify the video's brightness, contrast, and saturation. IVIX uses Director's 256-color palette support so users get fast, great-looking video without palette flash. IVIX also supports IVI's access keys, which can be encoded into video clips during compression to prevent unauthorized playback.

Once a clip is encoded with an access key users can't play that clip without using an access-key enabled player such as IVIX. IVIX is installed into the Xtras folder, and works with Director 5.0, Shockwave for Director 5.0, and Authorware.

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